I should probably start my very first blog with apologizing to all if I bore you to death!! I won't profess to be witty or an accomplished writer, i just invite you to laugh with me as I share my perspective of life over here. I believe I am surprising myself more than anyone else as I venture into this new world (for me) of blogging! This is month two of living in Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates and I decided I really wanted a way to share some of the little crazy day to day things of life here with my friends at home. So this is it, a blog spot! I hope you laugh along with me as I adjust to my new life.
As many of you know living overseas has been a desire of my heart for quite sometime, close to ten years. It was a real possibility five years ago, but the timing just wasn't right for our family and we said no. I always believed that when the timing was right and when the Lord planned for us to go it would happen. And here we are! Some days it feels very surreal, but most of the time I have to say it just feels right. So when I might be surprising myself in writing a blog, I'm not surprised that we are living in Abu Dhabi. I'm just very thankful that I get to live out this adventure that I used to just dream and pray about. And I'm thankful that there is a medium for me to use to share it with you.
I will defianely keep up with your bl;og... it is my addiction in life! I will add you to my blog feed on my blog:) You sound so happy over there.... I pray that is the case. Blogging ,akes people feel not so far away from the rest of us sometimes. Gode Bless.
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