Every Tuesday morning I join a group of ladies at ECC (Evangelical Community Church) for Ladies Bible Study Morning. We get together and break into smaller groups. I am in "The Boxes Class", we are doing a small group study of Susan Miller's book (Focus on the Family Resources) "After the Boxes are Unpacked, Moving On after Moving In". The group will go all school year, and so far I am really enjoying both the book and the wonderful ladies that lead this class. What a ministry they provide in a place where everybody is moving, may it be coming or going!
The things we as women go through when we move we tend to discount. The possibilities are long; loss of identity, loneliness, anger, resentment, anxiety, disappointment, inadequacy, comparison, grief, expectations, denial, sadness, stress, etc. etc.! There are ladies I have met here in Abu Dhabi who are like me, their move was wanted, expected, and planned. Getting here for us was a bit crazy, but life is never ever exactly as we plan or expect. There is always "the stuff of life" to deal with and the emotions that come with it. Then there are ladies that I have met where their move was not expected, unplanned, and very unwanted. My heart goes out for them and I hope I do an adequate job of encouraging them to find the "good things" here in the desert! How much of life is truly our attitude, and how challenging (for me) is it to control. I am reminded of how thankful I am to have this adventure here, this move was something I had wanted for many years. The book is packed full of scriptures and reminders of God's love for each and every one of us no matter where we are in life!
So every Tuesday we review a chapter, watch a short video by the author, and have "discussion" time at each table where we share our hearts and encourage one another. And there is always a box of Kleenex (written in Arabic!) at every table! It is definitely been a highlight of my week, for about two months now! Along with our official "Boxes" class we also have special events once or twice a month. We have had a family Iftar Picnic (read the blog on Ramadan if you're not sure what that is) at the Beach, a shopping trip to Dubai, a craft morning (we made really neat "memory keepers"), and next week have a "town tour" and lunch planned!
I end this blog with a verse from Isaiah that I am committing to memory:
"Do not call to mind the former things, or ponder on the past.
Behold, I will do something new. Now it will spring forth;
Will you not be aware of it?
I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, rivers in the desert.
Isaiah 43: 18-19
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