Friday, November 21, 2008

It's A Sandstorm!

Barry and I were out at the end of the Island on a Saturday checking out the Heritage Village (Blog to follow soon).  As we were leaving a Sandstorm kicked up from no where.  That's Marina Mall with a Marina in front of it that you can't see.  The haze is sand!  If you look carefully you can see the center tower of the mall.
Here you can see how choppy the water is, something we rarely see here.  Also, see the white mist over the stone breakwater?  It was sand just flying in the air.  This is the worst sandstorm we have seen since we've been here.  You could feel the sand in your face!  Usually the sky is just very hazy when there is a sandstorm.
Below is a even clearer picture of the sand blowing in front of this huge mall.
Oh well, I guess there has to be some downside of living near the beach!