Saturday, May 2, 2009

Ahhhhhhh, the Wisdom!

So nothing new to anyone that the Swine Flu is big news worldwide. It is also probably no big surprise that there is much misinformation out there about where one might catch the flu from. One of the major misnomers being that you can catch Swine Flu from eating pork.

You might already know that Muslims do not eat pork, they consider it unclean. To the point that there are only a half dozen or so stores in the entire Emirate that are allowed to sell pork. It is all housed in a special room, with signs posted that Muslims may not enter. Any product containing pork or lard, including PopTarts, is kept to be sold in this room.
I bet you know where I'm heading with this!

This week all the pork rooms in town were emptied and the product burned. Are you really asking why? To protect all the expats who eat pork from catching Swine Flu and then passing it on. Ah, the wisdom! That's one way to toast PopTarts!


Anonymous said...
